Bengaluru, Oct 29: Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) has urged the police to find out whether Popular Front of India (PFI) and Social Democratic Party of India (SDPI) were behind the murder of Rudresh R, who was hacked to death on Kamaraj Road in the city on October 16.

Recalling the conflicting reports that emerged over the cause of deaths in the case of IAS officer DK Ravi and Kuttappa murder case, Nagaraj said, "I hope the government and police are on the same page in this case and do not distort the facts." distort the facts."
Meanwhile, police sources said that the investigators are looking at both personal and political reasons that could have led to Rudresh's death. The cops are looking into a series of events, which they believe could have culminated in murder.
Although police are looking into past cases, where RSS men were targeted to see if there is a pattern, personal differences between Rudresh and his neighbour, Mohammad Mazhar - one of the four arrested has lent a personal dimension to the case.
If RSS and other chillar saffron pillas are banned....then all Muslim based parties will surely back off....try it
..India will be a Better place to live......
if u say to ban SDPI and PFI wht abt the killers who killed more thn 1000's of Muslim & Dalits in india who will ban those who killed this muslims & dalits they are nationlist this RSS VHP ABVP Sangi shld b banned first in india if you ban this guys thn india will b peace country y u all involving kerala in this in kerala they kill for political reason @mohan and @nirmal u mean to ban all the parties in kerala and in india thn only RSS will rule the country no it will never happen everyone hve rights in india dont point others b4 pointing others look into you wht you guys are upto thn point others for ban or anything wht RSS do notice tht firts insted saying to other parites
First RSS should be banned. Then automatically there wont be any problem, coz the root cause of all the hatred is from this organization.
Also Ban Praveen Poojary killers & thier organization like Bajarang dal , VHP , HJV and Gow rakshak sangs ! !
How about RSS involved in various terrorist activity....I am not a member of both parties....but who are these tapaories to ban....
Same way why don't they ask central govt to ban gang, which is involved in killing Udupi Praveen Poojary?
A new TWIST to hide the real CULPRITS who were caught few days back... We all know cheddis evil agenda ... We dont trust them anymore....
How many times you asked centre When RSS members were hacked to death in Kerala . multiple times in a year ........? that means LDF UDF Congress......CPM and other parties should be banned for killing RSS members ?
If it was possible . then long back would have done .......this is GOD's World .....No evil can claim as its own.......Wa jaa'a haqq wa zahakal bathil ...........Falsehood should persih it is bound to perish .......
and remember RSS is not patriotic not Hindu Organization..........and who are you to ask centre ......BJP elected not to control but to maintain a country
cpm and BJP are in open war in kerala and killing each other , never find any wrong on them ... any govt ruled in India since 70 years never find any guilty on RSS , where as most of the reports pointed its direct hands and some times its ideology behind it ...
central govt may hurriedly take action , if anybody approach action against PFI , as they effortlessly working to ban ZAkir naik and his org.. and keen to ban triple talaq.
Ban Also the Killers of
hahahahahaha, what are these guys upto, they kill their own members and point out other organization.
when go rakshak killed the bjp worker, why did you keep quiet, did u ask govt to ban go rakshak.
This clearly says their intention is communal hatred.
America enlisted RSS in one of the Biggest Terrorist organization.
The agenda of banning PFI and SDPI already there since RSS is running the central govt. But its hard nuts crack.
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