Kasaragod, Feb 20: Kerala Police has introduced a Sub-Inspector ranked Humanoid Robot, 'KP-BOT,' which is India's first and fourth one in the world, at its headquarters at Vazhuthacaud in Thiruvananthapuram.
"Kerala Police, a leader among Indian states in the adoption of 'Technology in Policing', will create history with the induction of humanoid robot, named 'KP-Bot,' into service, Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan said after Inaugurating the service on Tuesday evening.
Initially, the robot was employed at the reception of police headquarters and it will receive the visitors and answer their questions in English and display information in a screen on it.
Responsibility (functions)
The function of the robot will include greeting visitors, guide them to appropriate sections, collecting their information, fix appointments and issue visitors’ ID.
The robot, which has the ability to greet officers through face recognition, will also create case files on complaints/petitions by visitors and connect them to officers concerned through Skype.
The state police chief Loknath Behra said though the robot initially has a front office job, plans are in the offing to have robots regulate the traffic system in the city.
KP-BOT will require a month’s training before being posted at the police headquarters.
The first robot inducted into the force is a female. DGP said, “Women empowerment and gender equality were kept in mind while deciding on the gender of the first robot. Also, the fact that most front office jobs are managed by women was considered.”
Kerala Police Cyberdome worked with Asimov Robotics, a Kochi based start-up, to introduce KP-BOT.
If someone asks KP-BOT about bribe, it will reply that it has the person’s details and can file a complaint for making the offer.
He said, there are plans to equip the robot with additional sensors like metal and IED detectors, thermal imaging, gas sensors and facial gesture recognition to address the safety and security aspects of human officers and workplaces.
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