Mangaluru, Oct 17: Karnataka Tulu Sahitya Academy announced its honourary awards and book award for 2014. Writer Vadiraj Bhat (Tulu literature), M K Seetharam Kulal (Tulu theatre) and Ram Shetty Mumbai (Tulu cinema) have been selected for Tulu Academy Award. Meanwhile, Sharada M Anchan, author of 'Paaddana', has been selected for Tulu Book Award.
Academy chairperson M Janaki Brahmavara said the award ceremony will be held in December. While the winners of Tulu Academy Award will get a cash award of Rs 10,000, the Book Award winner will be given Rs 5,000, in addition to citation.
Janaki said that the Academy will take initiatives to set up Tulu Chamber of Commerce by January next year. "We have already held talks with stakeholders in Tulu Bhavana on the setting up of Tulu Chamber of Commerce. Our plans to set up Tulu Chamber of Commerce got delayed due to the shifting of our office to new premises. Discussions on Chamber of Commerce will be continued in December and we will be able to launch its functioning by January," she said.
On demand for inclusion of Tulu language in the Schedule VIII of the Constitution, Janaki said the Academy has been perusing the matter and working on it. "We have been discussing about bringing Constitutional recognition to Tulu. We need to collect documents to prove the historic significance of the language and take our fight forward," she added.
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