Maharashtra Minister Nitesh Rane on Thursday launched into a vitriolic flow attacking Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan, who was discharged from Mumbai's Lilavati Hospital on Tuesday -- five days after a knife attack on him at his Bandra residence.
"Look at what Bangladeshis are doing in Mumbai. They entered Saif Ali Khan's house. Earlier they used to stand at the crossings of the roads, now they have started entering houses," ANI reported Rane say.
The minister continued, "Maybe he came to take him (Saif) away. It is good, garbage should be taken away."
He also cast doubt on the veracity of the attack saying that Saif was 'dancing while walking', making him doubt if the actor had actually been stabbed, or if it was all an act.
He also managed to bring in a Hindu-Muslim angle to the situation, claiming that when actors like Shah Rukh Khan or Saif Ali Khan get hurt then everyone talks about it, but when "a Hindu actor like Sushant Singh Rajput is tortured, no one comes forward to say anything".
Rane continued his rant, saying "Mumbra's Jeetuddin (Jitendra Awhad) and Baramati's Tai (Supriya Sule) did not come forward to say anything... They are only worried about Saif Ali Khan, Shah Rukh Khan's son and Nawab Malik...," and questioned, "Have you ever seen them worrying about any Hindu artist?"
He then asked people to "pay attention" to such things.
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