Bengaluru, Jul 15: As on Wednesday, Bengaluru witnessed its first day of lockdown after rising number of Corona cases in the city. In a latest development, popular Kannada actor Dhruva Sarja and his wife Prerana Sarja have tested positive for COVID-19 sending shockwaves in the indutry.
Dhruva Sarja is the nephew of Arjun Sarja and younger brother of Chiranjeevi Sarja who passed away last month after suffering a massive heart attack.
The actor has requested people, who came in contact with them, to get tested immediately.
"My wife and I have both been tested positive for COVID-19 with mild symptoms and hence chosen to get ourselves hospitalised. I'm sure we'll be back all fine! All those who were in close proximity with us please get yourselves tested and remain safe," he tweeted.
My wife and I have both been tested positive for COVID-19 with mild symptoms and hence chosen to get ourselves hospitalised. I’m sure we’ll be back all fine! All those who were in close proximity with us please get yourselves tested and remain safe.
ಜೈ ಆಂಜನೇಯ— Dhruva Sarja (@DhruvaSarja) July 15, 2020
In recent times, Mandya MP and popular actress Sumalatha Ambereesh too tested positive, now Dhruva Sarja is the second notable celebrity from Sandalwood to have tested positive for COVID-19.
A source close to the actor's family says that "During Chiranjeevi's funeral last month, some sections of people who had attended had also tested positive, as social distancing rules were not followed by those who attended the funeral. But now, the family has quarantined and there is no cause for worry. Dhruva has also requested all his primary contact to come forward voluntarily and get tested."
it's a well planned program by the rss who want to target a particular religion and community all over India with one or other reason. But the city like Bengaluru public will bever support or they listen to c.r.ravis seeti bigil
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