Bengaluru, Nov 16: The Centre's move to demonetize high value currency notes threatens to derail Karnataka's revenue collection this financial year. Officials fear that the state might miss its revenue target by at least Rs 5,000-Rs 15,000 crore for the current fiscal. The move has already affected liquor sales, property transactions, and sale of new and used vehicles.
The government's excise department has been the worst hit. The sale of foreign liquor has come down drastically in the past few days. A senior excise department official said: "Most of the excise revenue come from the sale of Indian Manufactured Foreign Liquor. Officials at government outlets have claimed that the sale has gone down by at least 50%."
The government had fixed an ambitious revenue target of Rs 16,510 crore for the excise department this year following a 25% hike in taxes on liquor. The government has collected only about Rs 7,500 crore so far. "People have stopped buying liquor, especially the expensive ones, due to shortage of high-value currency," added the official.
The revenue target for the stamps and registration department had been fixed at a higher Rs 9,100 crore for the current fiscal. Most of this amount comes from revenue layouts through stamp duty and property registration, which has completely stopped since November 8. "Bengaluru is a big market for secondary real estate, which traditionally works on 60:40 white and black money ratio. Ban on transaction of black money has badly hit property registration," said a senior official of the stamps and registration department.
Not only in karnataka All over india it will effect.
let the Govt reduce the Value of lands for registration purposes... then the govt will get back the revenues.... as the buyers will come forward in the real estate business .....
The govt does not apply its mind while fixing the land values ... It goes by survey no.... whether the site has road connection or not,, the govt value is same for all sites ....
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