Bengaluru, Sept 24: The National Investigation Agency on Thursday arrested Sayed Saddiq Ali, an absconding alleged conspirator in the attack on a Bengaluru police station on August 11, officials said. A 44-year old resident of Bengaluru, Ali was allegedly involved in the attack on KG Halli Police Station that resulted in the destruction of public and government property, including damage to the police station building and vehicles parked in the police station premises and nearby areas.
Over 3,000 people went on a rampage on August 11 torching the residences of Congress MLA R Akhanda Srinivasa Murthy, his sister Jayanthi and Devara Jeevanahalli and Kadugondanahalli police stations in Bengaluru. The NIA carried out searches in 30 locations in Bengaluru as part of its investigation into the conspiracy behind the violence triggered by an objectionable social media post on Prophet Mohammed, officials said.
"During searches, airgun, pellets, sharp weapons, iron rods, digital devices, DVRs and many SDPI and PFI related incriminating documents and material have been seized," NIA IG Sonia Narang said in a statement. "The State Secretary, Social Democratic Party of India, Muzamil Pasha and other members of Social Democratic Party of India /Popular Front of India gathered a mob at the houses of Naveen, Sh. Akhanda Srinivas Murthy and at the premises of DJ Halli and KG Halli police stations, who vandalised the premises and resorted to arson, creating fear and panic among the masses," she said.
The NIA action came days after it took over the investigation into two cases, in which the Bengaluru police had invoked the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act, on the instructions of the Union Home Ministry. According to the NIA, Ali works as a recovery agent with a bank and had been absconding since August 11. The Bengaluru police had registered 65 cases and arrested over 350 people in connection with the violence which left four people dead, three of them in police firing
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