Bengaluru, Dec 31: Bengaluru police have revised the timings of the prohibitory order (Section 144) for New Year to 12 pm today till 6 am on January 1. Police Commissioner Kamal Pant issued a revised order late on Wednesday night.
The previous prohibitory order was from 6 pm on December 31 till 6 am on January 1. Everything in the order except the timings remains the same.
The revised order came in view of the prevailing Covid-19 situation in the city and the emergence of a new strain of the disease. Pant stated the order is a precautionary measure to contain the spread of the virus in the city during New Year celebrations.
Gathering of five or more people and celebrating on public roads is strictly not allowed. There is a ban on any form of gatherings in public places, roads, parks, grounds and open areas. Inhouse celebrations in residential places and private clubs may be held for their residents and members. Organising special events is also banned.
People who have booked pubs, restaurants and other establishments are allowed to attend the parties by showing passes to the police if stopped. The safety measures like wearing a mask, maintaining social distance and sanitisation is a must and it is the responsibility of the management of the establishments.
A case will be registered for anyone who violates the guidelines under the Disaster Management Act and Epidemic Disease Act along with section 188 of the IPC and other relevant sections of law.
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