Bengaluru, Aug 19: A special court has ordered a probe into the alleged message mocking Hindu gods that was posted by the Karnataka BJP leader and Large and Medium Industries Minister Murugesh Nirani in a WhatsApp group last year.
During the hearing, the court directed the city police to investigate the matter and submit a report by September 13.
The petitioner, Govindram, had filed a private complaint against Nirani for posting the derogatory message in the WhatsApp group.
Soon after the incident hit the headlines in the media, Nirani released a video statement apologising for hurting the religious sentiments of the people.
He, however, denied himself posting the derogatory message in the WhatsApp group, but by his personal assistant, who might have done it unintentionally.
Nirani also said he never in his life had spoken lightly against any religion or faith, and has been tolerant towards all religions. "I have utmost respect and devotion in Sanatana Dharma," he had said.
The incident, last year, had sparked a controversy with Opposition Leader in the Assembly Siddaramaiah flaying Nirani, who was then Bilgi MLA. "A person who insults God means insulting those who believe in him and harming their religious sentiments."
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