Bengaluru, Aug 26: Karnataka Chief Minister Basavaraj S Bommai on Thursday said the government has taken the gang-rape incident in Mysuru "seriously" and that the perpetrators will be caught soon and brought to justice.
"It''s an unfortunate incident. My government has taken it seriously. The perpetrators will be caught soon and brought to justice," Bommai, is on a two-day visit to the national capital, told reporters.
A college girl was allegedly raped by five men near Chamundi Hill in Mysuru late on Tuesday and the incident came to light on Wednesday.
The girl and her male friend, who was assaulted by the gang, are undergoing treatment in a private hospital.
The police are trying to identify the culprits with the help of a mobile phone. They are checking the phone numbers that operated in the area at the time of the crime, an officer said.
In addition, the police have also collected CCTV footage. An officer also informed that the police have received leads about the accused and the culprits will be arrested in a day or two.
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