Bengaluru, Feb 12: In the wake of Karnataka High Court’s controversial interim order restrained students from wearing religious symbols inside the classroom until final verdict, tension gripped Chandra Layout in South Bengaluru on Saturday morning after authorities at a private school asked a student to remove the hijab.
The incident took place at the Vidya Sagar School in Bengaluru when a student of class 7 was asked to remove her hijab by the school teacher. Agitated by the teacher’s action, parents and relatives of the student stormed the school, accusing the school management of causing a rift among the students.
However, the school authorities said that the girl was briefed about the HC order and there was no other intention behind it. But, the parents also alleged that a teacher at the school wrote an offensive remark about the hijab on the blackboard, and demanded suspension of the teacher.
Later as the situation became tense with more and more people descending on the school, Deputy Director of Public Instruction, Bengaluru South visited the school and heard both sides. The officer also appealed to protesters to abide by the HC rule and assured of investigating the incident.
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