Bengaluru, Feb 11: In the wake of the hijab controversy, Karnataka government extended holiday for colleges till Feb 16. The Higher Education Department, All Colleges and Technical Education Departments have given leave continue till February 16, Minister of Higher Education Dr. C.N. Ashwath Narayan said.
In a press release on Friday, he said the department applies to all universities, government, aided and unaided first-class colleges, engineering and diploma colleges.Karnataka Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai said on Thursday All high schools will reopen in Karnataka from Monday Feb 14. In the first phase, up to 10th standard schools will be started. Today Higher Education Minister Dr. C.N. Ashwath Narayan announced holiday for colleges till Feb 16.
High court postponed hearing on Monday, religious marks cannot be used until the next order. Karnataka High Court interim order challenged in Supreme Court. An appeal has been filed in the Supreme Court challenging the direction of the Karnataka High Court’s 10 February 10 interim order to restrain students from wearing hijab or any religious attire till the matter is pending with the high court.
The plea filed by a student has sought a stay on the direction of the high court, which is hearing the hijab issue, as well as the proceedings going on before the three-judge bench. Filing the appeal, Dr J Halli Federation of Masjid Madaaris and Wakf Institutions, contended that the Karnataka High Court on Thursday has sought to curtail the fundamental right of Muslim student-women by not allowing them to wear the Hijab and pursue their education.
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