Bengaluru, Feb 9: A single-judge bench of the Karnataka High Court, hearing petitions seeking relief regarding wearing of hijab in colleges, on Wednesday referred the case to a larger bench.
"This is a fit case for inquiry by the Chief Justice. The bench of the Chief Justice has the authority to form an extended bench to hear the case.
This matter needs urgent hearing, submit complaints and documents to the bench of Chief Justice," Justice Krishna S Dixit said.
The decision on interim order regarding uniform and wearing of hijab shall also be taken by the Chief Justice, he added.
Grant interim order: Petitioners
Senior advocates Sanjay Hegde and Devadatta Kamat representing the petitioners requested the court to grant an interim order allowing the students to attend the classes.
Hearing the matter on hijab row, Justice Krishan Dixit said a larger bench can consider the issue. "The wisdom emanating from neighbouring HC judgments needs to be treated. If you feel and all agree I can do this," Justice Dixit said.
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