Bengaluru, Aug 28: Following the arrest of five people accused of gang-rape in Mysuru, Karnataka Home Minister Araga Jnanendra on Saturday said the next challenge was to get them convicted in the court.
Jnanendra also said that the rape survivor, a student, was yet to give a statement to the police. She was allegedly gang-raped near the Chamundi foothills on the outskirts of Mysuru on August 24. The police Saturday arrested five people in Tamil Nadu.
“Our police have successfully conducted an operation and five people have been taken into custody,” Jnanendra said, congratulating the police team that investigated the crime.
“Conviction is the next important step. The woman is still not in a position to issue a statement and we can't pressurise her. Based on technical and scientific evidence, the investigation was carried out,” Jnanendra said, adding that this was “a challenging case” for the police. He could not confirm if the rape survivor had left the state.
“Even in the Nirbhaya and Manipal rape cases, the victims were not in a position to give their statement. In this case, if we had the victim’s statement, maybe the case could have been cracked sooner,” the minister said.
He further specified that the five people arrested are labourers and not students as was initially believed.
Going forward, the minister said the government would consider measures to tighten the Tamil Nadu and Kerala border that touches Mysuru. “People travel daily and new people come in. But, we can’t impose curbs like it’s done at international borders. We will see what can be done,” he said.
Following the incident, the government has directed the police to increase patrolling and checks. “I have directed the police to make special bandobasts and take up regular patrolling in the [Chamundi Hills] area, which has already started,” he said. “As much as possible, the public will not be allowed there after sunset. Those who must go will be given protection,” he added.
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