Bengaluru, Apr 22: Karnataka Home Minister Araga Jnanendra on Friday said the Hubballi violence last week had the involvement of “many unseen hands” and that the police are investigating all those who worked behind the scenes.
“There are many unseen hands. Innocent people were made to hit the streets and become violent,” Jnanendra told reporters. “The Hubballi incident has similarities with the DJ Halli-KG Halli rioting and those that took place in other parts of the country. It wasn’t a spontaneous riot,” he said.
The Hubballi city would have “burned” had the police not taken proper timely action, the minister said.
A mob turned violent in Old Hubballi on the night of April 16, triggered by a ‘blasphemous’ social media post by one Abhishek Hiremath, who was arrested. The number of people arrested for rioting is 134 so far, including cleric Wasim Pathan who has been accused of instigating the mob.
“Did you see such a huge number of arrests and strict investigation before in such cases? Would that happen if the Congress was in power?” Jnanendra asked. “The investigation is looking at those involved behind-the-scenes...the communal and traitorous forces.”
The minister also refuted allegations that innocent people had been picked up. “There’s no question of arresting those who did not do anything wrong. There’s evidence and footage. There’s no prejudice,” he said.
Jnanendra even blamed the Congress for the rise of communal forces. “These are trees that they sowed. Their appeasement policy is to be blamed,” he said.
Asked about banning the PFI, Jnanendra said the government is thinking on those lines. “The state government is giving all information to the Centre about organisations such as the PFI. Earlier, hundreds of people were freed as cases on them were withdrawn. We’re having to face the result of that now with the hijab and other incidents,” he said.
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