Bengaluru, May 20: Karnataka has reported 28869 fresh cases of the COVID-19 disease in the last 24-hours, taking the total number of people infected from the pandemic, so far in the state to 2335524 on Thursday.
According to official sources, the state had recorded the fresh death of as many as 548 people in the last 24-hours, taking the total number fatalities from the pandemic so far in the state to 23854.
The sources said that while the state capital Bengaluru reported highest number of 289 deaths due to the covid-19 disease, followed by 37 in Bengaluru Rural district, 22 in Ballari, 23 in Hassana, 21 in Tumakuru,17 in Shivamogga, 16 in Mysuru and 11 in Kalaburagi district.
While as many as 52257 covid-19 patients, got discharged from various hospitals, after being completely cured from the pandemic, there exists as many as 534954 active cases in the state.
The sources also said that while as many as 120711 people had undergone the COVID-19 tests in the last 24-hours, the Positivity rate for the day accounted for 23.91 per cent and the Case. Fatality rate stood at 1.89 per cent.
Dakshina Kannada recorded 926 covid-19 cases and eight deaths. Udupi recorded 809 cases and six deaths.
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