Bengaluru, Aug 17: The Karnataka government would set up 16 universities and 34 autonomous educational institutions in three years, Deputy Chief Minister of the state Dr C N Ashwath Narayan said on Monday. With the setting up of the institutions, the aim is to achieve the goals of the new Education Policy by year 2030, he told a press conference.
"The government of Karnataka will establish six research-centered universities, 10-teaching-centered universities, and 34 autonomous educational institutions in three years," said Narayan, who holds the portfolio of higher education. Earlier, he chaired a meeting with the Minister for Primary and Secondary Education S Suresh Kumar and senior officials for implementing the education policy.
He said the former chief secretary S V Ranganath-led Task Force, which has been formed for the implementation of the policy, would submit a draft report in the next four or five days and the roadmap for the carrying out the policy would be furnished before August 29. "Amendment to the laws, administrative reforms, and consolidation of the resources which are required for the implementation of the policy will be done in an expeditious manner," Narayan said.
As the policy has to be implemented in 10 years, the government has given the name of 'Target-2030' to achieve its goal. Stating that the government would take into confidence the stakeholders before implementing it, he said there would be deliberations and discussions across the state for a year.
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