Bengaluru, Aug 10: The Education Department on Monday announced the results of the Secondary School Leaving Certificate (SSLC) (class 10) examination that was held in June-July. The state reported an overall pass percentage of 71.80%.
This year the exams were conducted amidst the fear of Covid-19 pandemic and compared to the previous year, the state witnessed a dip in the pass percentage by 1.9%.
Of the 8,48,203 candidates registered for the exams, 8,11,050 were present and of which 5,82,316 have cleared the exams.
Due to Covid-19 reasons over 18,067 students were absent and will be allowed to appear for exams during supplementary as fresh candidates.
Apart from this 19086 students were not allowed to appear for exams due to a shortage of attendance.
The students who have cleared the exams will get their provisional marks cards at the respective schools in Tuesday. This is for the benefit of students to get admission into Pre University courses.
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