Mangaluru, Sept 4: In a tragic incident a local leader of Hindu Yuva Sena ended his life by suicide at his rented house in Krishnanagar in Kumpala on the city's outskirts on Saturday, September 3, evening.
The deceased has leader, Jayanth S Kumpala, 50, who was eking a living by running an autorickshaw in Thokkatu.
It is said that Jayanth had participated in Prime Minister Narendra Modi's programme on September 2 in the city and while returning home realised that had lost his cell phone.
Jayanth reportedly had asked friends and relatives to provide a loan of Rs 5,000 in order to buy a cell phone. Jayanth who was building a house in Hanuman Nagara in Kumpala was depressed due to financial issues.
Jayanth's suicide came to light when his wife returned home. Jayanth is survived by his wife and two children. Ullal police have registered a case and are investigating.
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