Mangaluru, Apr 23: Police Commissioner N Shashi Kumar today led a team of police to force a few establishments including jewellery shops in the city to roll their shutters dwon in accordance with the fresh covid guidelines issued by the Karnataka government.
The revised guidelines from Chief Secretary P Ravikumar has ordered the closure of shops, commercial and private establishments other than those dealing with essential services.
As a part of crackdown on the traders and force the shutting of shops other than that of essential services, City Police Commissioner carried out a drive in Clock Tower, Hampankatta, Ambedkar Circle, Falnir and Kankanady areas on Friday.
Speaking on the occasion, the City Police Commissioner said that cases will be booked against those who violated the guidelines. “People and business establishment owners should behave responsibly. It is a natural tendency for the people to visit and buy when jewellery shops are open. Already appeal and advises were given to the traders. When they fail to adhere to the guidelines, the police have no option other than to book cases against them.”
The Commissioner also handed over roses to a few people who were found strictly adhering to the guidelines on various streets in the city.
The commissioner had even boarded a few city buses to ensure that the guidelines of wearing masks are strictly followed by the passengers, conductors and drivers.
Several shops dealing in electronic goods, mobile and mobile accessories, ready-made garments, jewellery were closed down by the police and Mangaluru City Corporation teams across Mangaluru.
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