Bengaluru, Sept 4: Karnataka Home Minister Basavaraj Bommai on Friday said officials have been instructed to extend their action against drugs and ganja supply in tier 2 and 3 cities and in various districts, as he noted that "new dimensions" are emerging from investigation into its menace here.
The minister asserted that the government's action against drugs will continue, until it is completely brought under control.
"Investigation is going on regarding the drug case and it is progressing at a fast pace and new dimensions are emerging.
We have decided to find out the source of this drug menace," Bommai said.
Speaking to reporters here, he said not only at the level of consumers, instructions have been given to officials to find out from where it is getting supplied, and the work is in progress.
"I have asked police to conduct operations against supply of drugs and ganja in tier 2 and tier 3 cities and at district level, I will review its progress through video conferencing tomorrow with SPs and IGs and will be giving certain instructions," he added.
Bommai further said the crackdown against drugs coming into the state, that which is in supply inside the state, whether in districts or border areas or in Bengaluru city, will continue.
"Our operation against it will continue for some more days, until we completely bring it under control," he said.
The recent arrests made by the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) had unearthed alleged links of drug peddlers with Kannada actors and musicians, which the Central Crime Branch (CCB) police are currently investigating.
Responding to a question on CCB police questioning actress Ragini Dwivedi in connection with alleged drug links, Bommai said "it is one part of the investigation, CCB will continue their investigation and take action as per law, I will not interfere."
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