Bengaluru, July 20: The Pegasus snooping row has now reached the Karnataka doorsteps with the latest revelations claiming that the then Deputy Chief Minister G Parameshwara, as well as close aides of then Chief Minister H D Kumaraswamy and senior Congress leader Siddaramaiah, were possible targets for surveillance just before the toppling of their government two years ago.
Their phone numbers are part of a leaked database accessed by the non-profit French media Forbidden Stories and shared with an international media consortium, which includes The Washington Post, The Guardian and The Wire, as part of what is called The Pegasus Project.
"The records indicate that the phone numbers of some of the key political players in Karnataka appear to have been selected around the time when an intense power struggle was taking place between the BJP and the JD(S)-Congress-led state government in 2019, after 17 ruling alliance’s legislators abruptly resigned to force a trust vote in the assembly," The Wire reported.
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