Bengaluru, July 10: Fuel prices in the country were hiked for the fourth time this week on Saturday as petrol rates in all major cities remained above Rs 100 while diesel also inched towards the Rs100/litre mark.
Petrol price was up 35 paise in the national capital and diesel was increased by at least 26 paise.
In Bengaluru, the capital of Karnataka, petrol is priced Rs 104.29 and diesel stood at Rs 95.26.
Meanwhile, the price of petrol in Delhi showed a hike, standing at Rs 100.91 per litre against Rs 100.56 on Friday, while diesel is priced at Rs 89.88 per litre.
In Mumbai, the price of petrol was Rs 106.93 per litre and diesel in the city costs Rs 97.46.
In Kolkata, petrol costs Rs 101.01 per litre, and diesel costs Rs 92.97 per litre.
Fuel prices differ from state to state depending on the incidence of local taxes such as value-added tax (VAT) and freight charges.
Oil companies revise rates of petrol and diesel daily based on the average price of benchmark fuel in the international market in the preceding 15 days, and foreign exchange rates.
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