Bengaluru, Mar 19: The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) on Friday said that the work of constructing the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya will be accomplished only after the socio-cultural-economic assimilation work across the country is completed.
Manmohan Vaidya, Sah Sarkaryavah (Joint General Secretary) of the RSS, said, “This (Temple) is just like any other temple, this is a temple that will be the country’s symbol of socio-economic-cultural advancement.”
He was addressing a press conference at the two-day Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha (ABPS) meet that began in the city outskirts here on Friday.
He said that the two-day meet will pass two resolutions exclusively dedicated to the Ram Mandir alone.
“RSS firmly believes that construction of Ram Mandir will be accomplished only when the country is socially, economically and culturally assimilated,” he said, and added that the temple of Somnath was raided umpteen number of times and it was done because the temple was considered to be the socio-economic advancement’s symbols.
He asserted that Ram is not just a symbol of God, but was the symbol of the country’s tallest history and cultural figure.
“For RSS, he is the biggest personality of cultural awakening. Therefore, the temple work will only be accomplished when the country imbibes these things.”
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