Mysuru, May 4: KPCC spokesperson M Lakshman on Tuesday alleged that BJP MLA and former minister Ramesh Jarkiholi is involved in a Rs 600 crore scam. Showing documents to the media, he alleged that Jarkiholi, who runs Soubhagyalakshmi Sugars Ltd, raised Rs 366 crore loans from 15 apex banks, Rs 20 crore each from Union Bank and Hariyan Cooperative Society.
“He had not repaid a single paisa of the loans, and in April 2017, the company was declared a non-performing asset (NPA). A notice was issued to seize the company’s property, but Jarkiholi approached the Dharwad court to bring in a stay. The court instructed him to pay 50 per cent of the loan amount within six weeks, while passing an interim order in 2019,” he said.
Though apex bank president and BJP leader Belli Prakash wrote to the Belagavi deputy commissioner to seize the property of Soubhagyalaxmi Sugars, no action was taken, Lakshman alleged. The Hariyan Cooperative Society, run by Abhinandan Patil — a close confidant of Jarkiholi, approached the National Company Law tribunal (NCLT) and got an insolvency resolution process (IRC) order to get the company auctioned.
“The company, which owns over 1,000 acres of land, has undervalued the property, while it is worth over Rs 850 crore. This is a systematic scam of Rs 610 crore. Jarkiholi is a willful defaulter, but still no action has been taken against him,” he added. Congress will sensitise people by holding press meets and protests across all districts to spread awareness on corrupt practices of BJP leaders.
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