Karnataka BJP legislator and Chief Minister's political secretary M P Renukacharya on Monday urged the state government to ban madrasas, alleging that matters relating to 'anti-national' activities are taught there.
He questioned the need for madrasas, when there are government-run schools where education that is required for the all-round development of a child is imparted.
At madrasas, they don't teach about our visionaries, the leaders who have made sacrifices for the country. They only teach about Islamic (studies) there...," Renukacharya said.
Speaking to reporters here, the Honnali MLA alleged that matters that reflect on anti-national activities are taught at madrasas which will have an 'adverse impact' on the minds of innocent children.
"I demand that madrasas should be banned...don't we have schools run by the government, where lessons are taught? We do...," he said, adding that if madrasas teach about visionaries, and the leaders who have made sacrifices for the country, he would welcome them.
The MLA, also went on to accuse the Siddaramaiah-led Congress government in the past of releasing funds to madrasas, while they didn't have money for Hindu religious institutions and mutts.
One more topic feeded from his nagpur god father. Now watch and see who and all will hold his turned tung and tail.
This person should be booked under defame law-suite.
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