Bengaluru, June 18: The News Broadcasting Standards Authority has fined two Kannada news channels and censured English television news channel Times Now for extremely biased, hate-filled and misleading coverage of the Tablighi Jamaat congregation of March 2020. The authority fined News18 Kannada Rs 1 lakh and Suvarna News Rs 50,000.
The NBSA’s action was based on a complaint filed in 2020 by Bengaluru organisation Campaign Against Hate Speech, reported The News Minute. The news channels have to pay the penalty within seven days of receiving the order, which was issued on Wednesday.
The Tablighi Jamaat congregation that took place at the Nizamuddin Markaz in Delhi was blamed for thousands of coronavirus infections around the country in the initial weeks of the nationwide lockdown, which began on March 25, 2020. The event had renewed stigma against Muslims, triggering a wave of business boycotts and hate speech.
The NBSA pointed to two programmes aired on News18 Kannada, and said those had highly objectionable content that was based on conjecture. The programmes singled out by the NBSA were “Do you know how is Delhi’s Nizamuddin Markaz which has spread Coronavirus to the nation” and “How many have gone to Delhi’s Jamaat Congregation from Karnataka”. Both were aired on April 1, 2020.
“The tone, tenor and language [of the programmes] was crass, prejudiced and disrespectful,” the NBSA said in its order. “The programmes were prejudiced, inflammatory, and crossed all boundaries of good taste without concerns for feelings of a religious group. It was aimed at promoting and inciting hatred between communities.”
The NBSA has also asked News18 Kannada to telecast an apology on June 23 before the 9 pm news.
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