Untimely rains wreaked havoc in parts of Karnataka besides leaving one person dead in last two days. Dharwad, Haveri, Gadag, Uttara Kannada and Chikkamagaluru districts witnessed heavy rains on Friday. Rains lashed in some of these areas on Saturday too.
Ravi Neelappa Bolammanavar (48), a resident of Kondoji village in Hanagal taluk of Haveri district was killed in lightning strike. The incident occurred when was offering fodder to cattle. He was rushed to community health centre at Akkialur, but he was declared dead on arrival.
A tree came crashing down on an electricity supply wire killing a monkey and disrupting power supply. About 15 electricity poles collapsed at villages in the taluk.
Amusement cradles installed as part of Marikambadevi temple broke away due to gusty winds at Sirsi in Uttara Kannada district after it began raining around 5.50 pm. Roof-top sheets of many stalls near the temple were blown away damaging materials and destroying eatables. Hundreds of people took shelter at various structures.
A tree came crashing down at Mundgod town affecting vehicular movement for a while.
Chikkamagaluru district received heavy rains coupled with gusty winds around evening. People welcomed the downpour as it provided relief from scorching summer heat. An average rainfall of 15 mm has been recorded.
Areca trees broke due to gusty winds. Trees fell on electricity lines in some places.
It also rained in Hubballi for 20 minutes, at Lakshmeshwar in Gadag district and Haliyal in Uttara Kannada district.
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