Mangalore, December 2: The Karnataka Komu Sauharda Vedike on Friday exhorted the State government to take action against ministers and pontiffs of the mutts for justifying casteist ritual of 'made-snana' and against police officers, who failed to provide protection to fact finding team at government-run Kukke Subrahmanya temple in Sullia taluk.
Addressing a press conference here, K L Ashok, state president of KKSV, said that it is unfortunate that the State Muzrai Minster V S Acharya, despite being a medical doctor, not only revoked the ban on 'made-snana', but also, went on to justify the inhuman and unscientific ritual under the pretext of 'respecting religious belief'.
“The minsters and pontiffs of the mutts, who justified and supported 'made-snana', along with the concerned police officers who failed to provide protection to backward classes' organization leaders, deserve stringent action”, he said.
He also exhorted the government to take appropriate steps to register cases under 'Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe (Prevention of Atrocities) Act' against DYSP Nagaraju, who used abusive language against Dalit leaders for demanding protection and office-bearers of the management committee of the temple.
“Mere arresting those who assaulted KS Shivaramu, State president of the Karnataka Rajya Hindulida Vargagala Jagruta Vedike, is not enough, as the real culprits are the management committee of the temple, and Muzrai Minister V S Acharya in this issue”, he said.
Mr Ashok also said that government should issue an ordinance, banning the made-snana across the State for ever.
Suresh Bhat Bakrabail, Pattabhirama Somayaji and others were present in the press meet.
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