In an informal chat with reporters here on Thursday, Pratap denied assertions that the recent developments have left police in the district demoralised. "On the contrary," Pratap said, "since we are being blamed by both communities as reported in the media, police certainly have done their job. Nobody is sparing us, which does not happen in situations such as this, he said, adding police too is assimilating all these views and learning from it.
Role of senior officers, including SP or the IGP, Pratap said is to provide leadership in times of peace and strife. "Whatever feedback we are getting from the ground is being passed on to the men on the ground to ensure effective and balanced policing," IGP said adding that the various cases registered by Dakshina Kannada district police in the aftermath of Sunday's incidents will be investigated based on the evidence and as per law and not otherwise.
Acknowledging that democracy gives citizens the right to speech, Pratap said the police would step in when those holding protests democratically against Uppinangady or any such incidents cross the line. "We are taking steps to video graph all such public protest rallies and clippings of any inflammatory statements made by leaders of any communities would be used against them in a court of law as evidence as and when cases are booked," he pointed.
DC N S Channappa Gowda said the administration has tried to reach out to the communities through two peace committee meetings held so far. Leaders of both communities have agreed to maintain peace, DC said, adding that administration on its part has assured to the leaders that action would be taken against those fomenting trouble. "We are constantly in touch with leaders of the community and ensuring that the situation does not escalate," he noted.
Stating that the peace committee meetings have thrown up suggestions on need to hold this exercise at the village level, DC said the administration would take forward this idea once the fallout from Uppinangady incident stabilises. "We will instruct taluk teshildars and executive officers of taluk panchayats to hold such exercise at village level so that misgivings between communities are sorted at the grass roots level and not allowed to build up," he said.
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