“The NABARD assistance of Rs.99.63 crore from its Rural Infrastructure Development Fund (RIDF) constitutes 85 per cent of the approved projects at Rs.117.21 crore and the State will have to mobilise the remaining Rs.17.58 crore, which should be disbursed on or before February 19,” P. Karunakaran, MP, told a press conference here on Saturday.
He said NABARD's approval for the package, first phase of implementing development schemes in the affected localities, was on the basis of the projects submitted to NABARD and the amount was sanctioned after a special meeting with Prakash Bakshi, NABARD Chairman.
The projects were drawn up as per a master plan prepared under the supervision of Sub-Collector P. Balkiran.
The funds would be used for improving social infrastructure such as upgrading hospitals, setting up buds school, palliative care centres, and drinking water projects.
The projects were submitted in August last year by the MP. A panel comprising the district panchayat president, District Collector, Sub-Collector, representatives of local bodies, and senior district officials prepared the projects, Mr. Karunakaran said.
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