Addressing mediapersons at Press Club in Mangalore on Tuesday, Mr. Kumar said that introduction of buses to routes such as Panaji besides others by withdrawing 'Rajahamsa' executive buses have been causing losses to the Corporation's Mangalore division. “We have been requesting the top brass not to introduce more Volvo buses as the already introduced Volvo services have caused losses. The private bus operators keep changing the rates while our rates remain the same and hence KSRTC fails to attract passengers. Withdrawing Rajahamsa buses and replacing them with Volvo services have not worked in our favour”, Mr. Kumar said, voicing the concern of the KSRTC workers on the occasion.
Introduction of new Parisara Vahini buses should be given priority instead, Mr. Kumar opined. “For long, people have been nursing a notion that KSRTC buses are sub-standard in quality but the recently introduced Parisara Vahini buses have evoked good responses from public. In routes such as Mudupi where these new buses have been introduced, there is a good public response. However, private bus workers and conductors have been troubling us in these routes ever since our new buses have started plying there”, he said.
'Workers being exploited'
Mr. Kumar said that KSRTC workers are being exploited by the Corporation's administrative authorities. “We have been experiencing injustice and exploitation in terms of less salaries, unjustified punishments, inhuman behaviour with workers, besides others for the past 16 years. We are made to work overtime but no extra pay is given to us. Some workers who hail from North Karnataka take long leaves and go back to their villages and we are made to do double the amount of work in their absence”, Mr. Kumar groused.
The Workers' Union will go on an indefinite strike on September 13 demanding fulfillment of its various demands, Mr. Kumar informed.
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