The sting operation was carried out by Public TV Kannada 24/7. The channel showed video clips purportedly taken by their undercover reporters in which the Kali seer was shown seeking Rs 10 crore and a Fortune Car as hush money to suppress the campaign against Nithyananda Swami.
As soon as the news spread, thousands of devotees staged protests against Kali seer forcing him to vacate his house at Gayatri Nagar in Bangalore and flee along with his 4-year old daughter and four young disciples.
It could be recalled here that the same Kali seer had literally cried at least for half an hour in a panel discussion about Nithyananda Swami a couple of months ago in 'Suvarna 24/7' Kannada news channel. Kali seer's outburst of sorrow and anger had brought tears to the eyes of the moderator Ranganath Bharadwaj himself.
Meanwhile, it has also came to light that Kali seer had played a few smaller roles in some TV serials and cinema. He has also acted in 'Devarane Kannada' movie which is expected to hit screens next year. After this scandal, the film director has pledged to remove scenes of the 'fake swami'.
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