Bengaluru, Aug 18: Karnataka Medical Education Minister Dr K Sudhakar said that some patients were shifted to various hospitals including Bowring and Lady Curzon Hospital and Rajiv Gandhi Hospital after a shortage of liquid oxygen at Kempe Gowda Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS) Hospital and Research Centre, Bengaluru.
"Some patients were shifted to various hospitals including Bowring and Lady Curzon Hospital and Rajiv Gandhi Hospital. 20 oxygen cylinders have been sent to Kempe Gowa Insitute of Medical Sciences Hospital and Research Centre," Sudhakar said.
Earlier, KIMS hospital said that it plans to shift all oxygen-dependent patients to various government and private hospitals as a precautionary measure due to shortage of liquid oxygen.
"Due to shortage of liquid oxygen from the manufacturing company on August 17, 2020, we have anticipated that low oxygen volume hypoxic crisis may occur for oxygen-dependent patients. Hence we have informed Government authorities about the situation and requested for arrangements of liquid oxygen from other suppliers," read a statement by the hospital.
"For damage control and on precautionary measures, we plan to shift all oxygen-dependent patients to various Government and Private Hospitals. During this crisis, all government officials and authorities immediately responded to our call and supported us by joining hands with the management in this hour of crisis for saving the lives of the patients. We are indebted for their kind co-operation," it said.
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