Bengaluru, Oct 5: The CBI officials conducted a search at DK Shivakumar's house at Kodihalli in Ramanagar where his extended family lives currently and completed it by afternoon. They are said to have taken over some of the crucial documents.
Shivakumar's mother Gowramma who was staying at Kodihalli house was also reportedly quizzed by the CBI officials for a few hours even as supporters and Congress workers gathered in huge numbers outside the house shouting slogans against the Centre and CBI.
Later, the officials who collected the documents explained Gowramma about the search and informations they have gathered from the evidence. The officials also made Gowramma sign on some of the documents, listing out the details of items they have taken over from the house.
Speaking to media persons at Kodihalli, Gowramma said, "The CBI officials neither troubled me nor did they ask me any questions. They carried away some documents after the search and got my signature."
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