Bengaluru, Jan 4: In a major operation, the Central Crime Branch (CCB) Police have busted a 10-member gang that indulged in printing fake Aadhar Cards, PAN Cards, Voters ID, Driving licence and other documents, by stealing Central and State government Monograms, during raids carried out at three houses of the accused.
Commissioner of Police Kamal Pant, giving details about the operation at a press conference here on Monday, said that on getting information about criminal activities of the gang, a team led by Joint Police Commissioner (Crime) Sandeep Patil raided houses of Lokesh, Sudarshan, and Nirmal Kumar and to their surprise, they could recover bundles of Aadhar, PAN, Fake Ration Cards, Driving licence etc.
The arrested were identified as Kamalesh Kumar Bhavalia, S Lokesh, Sudarshan, Nirmal Kumar, Darshan, Sridhar, Chandrappa, Abhilash, Tejas and Sridhar Deshpande.
The articles seized during the raids included blank 9000 Aadhar cards, 9000 PAN cards, 12,200 RC books, 250 Printed fake RC, printed fake 6240 Voter ID, 28,000 blank fake Voter ID, 3 Laptops, 3 Printers, One CPU used for the crime and Rs 67,000 cash.
Preliminary investigation has revealed that arrested Kamalesh Kumar Bhavalia, Lokesh and Sudarshan were working in Rosmerta Technologies Ltd., and stole the monograms of the Central and State governments.
In appreciation of the efforts of the team, Commissioner Kamal Pant has announced Rs 60,000 cash prize.
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