Dharwad, Dec 13: The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), investigating the alleged murder of Zilla Panchayat member Yogesh Gouda, on Sunday arrested Chandrasekhar Indi, maternal uncle of the former Karnataka minister Vinya Kulkarni.
Police said that Vinya Kulkarni is already in police custody and Indi is facing charges providing the contract killers weapon to murder Gouda.
Police sources said that the contract for killing Yogesh Gouda was initially given to Dharmaraja Chandachana, member of the Bheema gang. but since he was unable to carry out the job, Indi asked Chamaraja to give three country made pistols to the contract killers carry out the murder. After the murder, the pistols were hidden near a village which had now being confiscated by the CBI.
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