Dharwad, Mar 4: The construction of the much-awaited Rs 117 Crore Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIIT) Center being built at Tadasinakoppa Villaage near here will be completed within the next two months time, according to Mr. Aravind Bellad, Member of the Karnataka Legislative Assembly from Dharwad West Constituency.
Mr. Bellad, who toured the construction site today including various parts of the proposed building such as the Administration, Student Hostels, Auditorium Blocks Etc., said that the design of the Structure had to be changed due to certain defects in the original plan. The new design is Similar to the design of the Karnataka Agriculture University in Dharwad and will become one of the most beautiful Structure when completed.
Mr. Bellad Thanked the former higher Education Minister, Mr. R. V. Deshpande and the Union Minister for for Parliamentary affairs and Coal, Mr. Prahlad Joshi in bringing the IIIT to Dharwad and also the support extended by the villagers around the area. Once ready, the proposed Center will run on its own by collection of tuition fees and other means, but without depending on any Financial Grants from the Government, he added.
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