New Delhi, Sept 18: The Karnataka Police has discovered a 4-acre Marijuana farm in Chitradurga district's Rampura. The police officials have also discovered 9,872 kilograms of marijuana worth Rs. 4.2 crore. According to reports, three people have been arrested in connection with the case. However, the police are yet to track down the prime suspect Rudresh, who was cultivating cannabis plants in a land he had rented from three brothers in Chitradurga.
As per The News Minute's report, the Rampura Police had received a call from one of the locals and informed them that they had seen cannabis plant being cultivated in Vaderahalli, located in Molakalmuru taluk.
The locals showed the police a four-acre plot nearby and the police found that the entire plot had cannabis plants growing up to 4 ft. "The locals were watching the news about drugs and realised that the crops growing in that plot was the ganja plant," the Rampura police said.
The police are now looking out for Rudresh as they believe that he was the primary cultivator. "We will arrest him soon. Only after his arrest can we find the distributors and peddlers. So far, we suspect that the ganja was being transported to districts across Karnataka as Rudresh has been cultivating it for a while. The plot is located between other plantations and unless one goes inside to see, it is hard to detect the ganja plants," the police said.
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