Davanagere, Nov 9: A prominent local leader of Bharatiya Janata Party in Karnataka’s Davanagere has been arrested by police after an audio clip in which he reportedly asked a man to rape a girl to recover his loan went viral on social media.
The accused is Chikka Ujjayini Sagar Aanjanappa, Davanagere district unit vice president of BJP’s OBC Morcha.
Police said on Monday that according to the audio clip, Revanasiddappa sought suggestions from the BJP leader to recover loan from Umeshappa of the Madiwala community.
The BJP leader asked him to rape the girl of the community and promised that he would get him out of jail.
After it went viral, people of several communities staged a silent protest in front of the police station demanding that the BJP leader be arrested.
After the incident the District BJP expelled him from primary membership of the party.
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