Bengaluru, Dec 14: The One-day special session of the Karnataka Legislative Council convened by the state government on Tuesday, is expected to be a stormy one as the ruling BJP members likely to press the Chair to take up the no-confidence motion moved against the incumbent Chairman of the House Pratap Chandra Shetty.
According to BJP party sources, the ruling members have plans to press the Chair to take up the no-confidence motion served against Shetty before taking up other issues, when the house begins tomorrow.
The ruling BJP government has no majority in the 75-member Upper House, and requires the support of the 14-member JD(S) to unseat the Chairman, Shetty, who had belonged to Congress.
While the ruling BJP has 28 members in the house followed by 31 (Congress) and the JD(S) 14 and one independent.
The Ruling BJP government had to re-convene the house for one-day as it could pass the controversial anti-Cow slaughter bill last week, when the Chairman had adjourned the house sine die.
The BJP members, taking strong objection to the action taken by the Chairman, had also petitioned the
Karnataka Governor against the adjournment of the house, which according to them was unfair and illegal.
According to ruling BJP sources, the party is expected to press for adoption of the no-confidence motion before
tabling the anti-cow slaughter bill.
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