Bengaluru, Dec 25: Karnataka Deputy Chief Minister C N Ashwath Narayana, today said that the State government is ready to provide autonomous status to higher educational institutions and engineering colleges if they fulfilled the eligibility criteria.
Speaking after inaugurating a seminar on ‘Good Governance Day’ held to mark the birth anniversary of former Prime Minister Bharat Ratna AB Vajpayee, he said, “the government is ready to give autonomy and freedom in every sector including higher education. The government does not believe in a rigid controlling mindset. More and more, polytechnic, engineering colleges should try to get autonomous status.”
Ashwath Narayan, who also holds the higher education portfolio, said the higher education institutions should consolidate local co-operation, enhance skill, leverage technology, ensure the judicious execution of responsibility in their way to become autonomous.
All the developed countries all over the world have achieved excellence because of decentralisation. “This should happen in our system also, at a rapid pace," he said.
The National Education Policy (NEP) has paved the way for eliminating limitations and rigidity which existed earlier, he added.
He further emphasised that the LMS (Learning Management System) which was being implemented in the State would make a lot of changes in higher education in the coming years. It was not true that changes could be made only by spending a large amount of money. It was also possible to make big changes with minimum spending, the minister said.
He said that former Prime Minister Vajpayee was a personality of inspiration, his thoughts and deeds would be relevant forever. “He served the people at all stages of his life, as a citizen, party worker, opposition leader, and the Prime Minister.”
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