Belagavi, Feb 28: In a bizarre incident, a 30-year-old woman ended up pawning her 'mangalsutra' with the traffic police in Karnataka's Belagavi after the authorities intercepted her along with her husband for riding a motorbike without a helmet.
The couple, who was visiting the market for buying furniture, was charged with violation of traffic rules and fined for the same. However, the woman, identified as Bharati Vibhooti, said that they had no money and the situation turned into an argument.
"The police stopped us and took the key of the vehicle. They did not ask for any document and immediately wrote a receipt for Rs 500 as fine," she said in a video that was shared on social media.
She maintained that the couple had exhausted their money. “I told the cops that we had spent the last Rs 100 we had on breakfast, but they insisted that we pay,” she said.
The argument between the cops and the couple reportedly went on for about two hours and bystanders had started gathering. Then, in a fit of rage, the woman handed over her 'mangalsutra' and told the cops to sell it to raise money for the fine.
Senior police officers passing by the area took stock of the situation and eventually let the couple go.
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