Bengaluru, Oct 9: In an attempt to preserve and protect the Kannada film scripts, songs, posters and beta copies, the Karnataka Chalanachitra Academy (KCA), is working on an ambitious plan to set up a state-of-the-art Kannada Film Archives and a Kannada Film Museum.
KCA in its attempt is reaching out to institutions and the public for archival material.
Speaking to newsmen here, KCA Chairman Suneel Puranik pointed out the Academy had already reached out to Directors and Producers for material and information for both the archives and the Museum. They have also sought help to locate negatives of old films and to identify people who own them.
The film archives and the Museum are expected to come up at the KCA headquarters at Nandini Layout. The National Film Archives of India (NFAI), Pune, has agreed to support the KCA in establishing full-fledged archives of its own.
A seven-member Committee, set up in July, has been tasked with studying and submitting a report on setting up the archives and the museum. “The main task of the committee is to formulate modalities for acquiring and preserving film prints, beta copies, publicity stills, songs, still photographs, and other things related to film and film culture of Karnataka and Kannada,” said Mr Puranik, adding that the Academy would restore and digitise films in phases.
Film-related materials and books in Kannada, Tulu, Kodava, Konkani, Byari, and Banjara languages can be donated to the academy. The KCA would preserve and restore them by making use of the financial assistance extended by the Bangalore Development Authority (BDA).
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