Middle East

Jeddah, Mar 10: Makkah Gov. Prince Khaled Al-Faisal yesterday indicated that Saudi Arabia may give citizenship to refugees who have been living in the Kingdom for several years as part of government’s efforts to correct their residency situation. Addressing a forum for developing disorganized residential districts in the Makkah region, Prince Khaled said the project would focus mainly on people

Madinah, Mar 9The poorly manufactured and unsafe electronic products that have saturated the Saudi market are “time bombs” just waiting to go off, said the western regional director of Mutabaqah — the laboratory testing arm of Saudi Customs. A study conducted by Mutabaqah, found that 80 percent of electronics available in Saudi markets are “shoddy” and that some 33 percent of home accidents

Jeddah, Mar 8: Saudi Arabia is offering investment opportunities worth $ 625 billion to Indian businessmen in vital sectors such as infrastructure, petrochemicals, electricity, IT, tourism, natural gas production, agriculture and education. “We had successful meetings with Indian business leaders and executives in New Delhi, Hyderabad and Lucknow,” said Abdul Rahman Al-Rabiah, chairman of Saudi

Jeddah, Mar 7: Fifteen Saudi women who are breaking new grounds in the social, educational, economic, political and cultural fields have been named in the list of the world’s 100 most powerful Arab women, published this week by CEO Middle East. The highest Saudi entry was second place Lubna Olayan, while Princess Ameerah Al-Taweel and Mona Al-Munajjed ranked third and ninth, respectively. UAE

Jarusalem, Mar 6: Clashes erupted in Jerusalem on Wednesday after eight Jewish settlers entered the Al-Aqsa Mosque under the protection of Israeli police, Egyptian state news agency MENA reported. The settlers prayed in front of the mosque before clashes broke out with Palestinian Muslims, a guard at the mosque told MENA. "Israeli authorities allow military troops, settlers and even tourists to

Dubai, Mar 6: Dubai’s police described it as a plot similar to an Indian movie. The main characters are an Indian father, an Uzbek mother and their son but the setting was thousands of miles from India, taking place in Dubai and Kenya. The ending also has a stark resemblance of that in a film but it was still not clear whether it is a happy or sad end. Perhaps the readers have to judge. Starting

Jeddah, Mar 4: The Jeddah Islamic Port ranks among the top 100 global ports annually. In fact, the establishment of an integrated project will ensure the presence of a security system that fills any gaps or security breaches at a financial cost of SR 15.98 million. Capt. Saher bin Musa Altahlawi, general manager of the Jeddah Islamic Port, confirmed that the port entered the competition more than

Jeddah, Mar 3: Top private sector developers yesterday at Cityscape Jeddah called on the government to work with them to streamline several processes that cause delays, making it nearly impossible to develop affordable housing projects to solve the housing crisis. “Among the limits and challenges facing Saudi developers, is for example the regulations concerning the Municipality’s issuance of

Jeddah, Mar 2: Total investments in real estates across Saudi Arabia have reached more than SR 2 trillion, making the country one of the top real estate markets in the world. “The Kingdom’s housing need in 2020 is estimated at 4.5 million units at an estimated cost of SR 117 billion annually and it would need 110 million square meters of housing plots,” said Khaled Al-Ghamdi, chairman of Taifah Al

Feb 28: Dubai’s RTA will adopt a new electronic system in the second quarter of this year for recording driving test results to reduce human errors, the Al Roeya newspaper has reported. This could reduce complaints of bias by driving licence applicants, said Ahmed Bahrouzyan, Chief Executive Officer, RTA Licensing Agency. Inspectors will be provided with the electronic devices to record the result