The court pronounced the judgement on Wednesday in the case pertaining to the seizure of FICN with a face value of Rs 6,84,000 in denomination of Rs 2000 from four accused — Mohammed Sajjad Ali, M G Raju, Gangadhar Ramappa Kolkar and Vanitha from various parts of Bengaluru city in March, 2018, the NIA official said.
During investigation, the NIA found the involvement of four more people — Vijay from Karnataka, and,Sabiruddin, Abdul Kadir and Jahiruddin from Malda, West Bengal. Vijay, Sabiruddin and Kadir were arrested while Jahiruddin is still absconding.
After completing the investigation, the NIA filed a charge-sheet against four arrested accused Ali, Raju, Kolkar and Vanitha on November 3, 2018 and subsequently supplementary charge-sheets were filed against Kadir, Sabiruddin and Vijay.
On December 1 this year, the NIA special court framed charges against all the seven charge-sheeted accused for the offences under sections of the IPC.
Ali, Raju and Kadir pleaded guilty and were sentenced to 6 years imprisonment along with a fine of Rs 10,000; five years imprisonment along with a fine of Rs 5000; and 2 years imprisonment along with a fine of Rs 5000 respectively, the NIA official said.
The trial against the remaining four charge-sheeted accused is underway, the official said.
Investigation against the absconding accused Jahiruddin is underway, the official added.
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