Bengaluru, Feb 11: Karnataka Minister for Agriculture BC Patil on Thursday said that the State government will set up an Organic University on the lines of one functioning in Gujarat and Chhattisgarh.
Chairing the "Organic Agriculture Progress Review Meeting" here on Thursday, he said that organic farming is becoming increasingly important as people are moving towards organic. Thus organic farming should be given more importance. There are organic farming universities in Gujarat and Chhattisgarh.
In a similar way, the members of the Organic Committee have expressed their views on establishing an organic University in Shivamogga and said the government will discuss this issue and implement it very soon.
The use of more chemicals on agricultural land for activities could not afford to provide healthy products. The increased use of chemicals has led to a decrease in the nutrient content of the land and the health of the farmer who uses chemicals are affecting.
Thus, more emphasis should be given on organic farming. To avoid poisoning the earth, one must face organic farming. Each district should emphasize the value of organic and organic products under one product, expanding the market, he pointed out.
Stating that the resource persons in the field of organic farming should provide more information on organic to farmers. Organic fertilizers must be certified by government agencies. Other issues, including the manufacture of quality certified organic fertilizer, were discussed at the meeting, he added.
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