
Washington, Feb 15: The White House asked Pakistan to immediately end "support" and "safe haven" to all terror groups as it strongly condemned the Pulwama terrorist attack. Pakistan-based Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) has claimed responsibility for the attack in Jammu and Kashmir's Pulwama district on Thursday that left at least 37 CRPF personnel dead and many critically wounded. "The United States calls

Washington, Feb 12: US lawmaker Illhan Abdullahi Omar, one of the first two Muslim women in the US Congress, has “unequivocally” apologised for her remarks which sparked an anti-Semitism row and drew widespread condemnation including from President Donald Trump who termed it a “terrible statement”. Ms. Omar, who was elected to the House of Representatives last November, on Sunday in a tweet

Washington, Feb 12: India and China are leading the global greening effort, which is quite contrary to the general perception worldwide, a latest NASA study said Monday, observing that the world is a greener place than it was 20 years ago. The NASA study based on data received and analysed from its satellite said that India and China are leading in greening on land. "China and India account for

Islamabad, Feb 12: Personal amenities of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman have reached Islamabad, ahead of his two-day trip to Pakistan during which investment deals worth billions of dollars are expected to be signed between the two-decades-old allies, according to a media report on Monday. The powerful heir to the oil-rich kingdom is expected to arrive in Pakistan this week, but the exact

Bangkok, Feb 11: Thai Princess Ubolratana was on Monday formally disqualified for running for prime minister, ending her brief and ill-fated political union with a party allied to the powerful Shinawatra clan, just days after a stern royal command rebuking her candidacy was issued by her brother, the king. Uncertainty and conjecture have coursed through Thailand since Friday when the Thai Raksa

Paris, Feb 11: After decades spent in the shadow of a death sentence pronounced by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, Salman Rushdie is quietly defiant. "I don't want to live hidden away," he told AFP during a visit to Paris. The novelist's life changed forever on February 14, 1989, when Iran's spiritual leader ordered Rushdie's execution after branding his novel "The Satanic Verses" blasphemous. Like a

Kabul, Feb 11: Afghan President Ashraf Ghani on Sunday said that his government is ready to allow the Taliban to open an office in Kabul, Kandahar or Nangarhar provinces to bring "lasting and honourable peace to the country". "If the Taliban want an office, I will give it to them in Kabul, Nangarhar or Kandahar by tomorrow." Tolo news quoted Ghani, as saying. "We will bring lasting and honourable

Washington, Feb 9: A 29-year-old New York City man has been arrested while he was about to catch a flight to Pakistan to join the Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), in a dangerous sign that the Pakistan-based terror group, which carried out the 26/11 Mumbai terror attack, has expanded its tentacles in the US. In another instance of growing influence of the LeT in the US and radicalisation of American youths

Feb 6: The judicial wars returned to Washington on Tuesday as the Senate Judiciary Committee met to consider Neomi Rao, President Donald Trump’s nominee for newest Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s now-vacant seat on a powerful appellate court in Washington. Indian-American woman, Rao, who serves as Trump’s “czar” overseeing regulatory rollbacks, faced fierce questioning from Democrats not

Washington, Feb 6: The women in white -- several dozen Democratic lawmakers -- sat en bloc Tuesday in unmistakable defiance of President Donald Trump while he delivered his State of the Union address. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Trump's arch rival in Washington who sat behind him on the dais, led many in her caucus in wearing white to honor the fight for suffrage rights, which women earned 100