
Hong Kong, Oct 9: Pakistan's latest announcement about Saudi Arabia's investment in an oil refinery at the port city of Gwadar has set alarm bells ringing in the international arena. A Zerohedge article claims that Pakistan's move comes from a "desperate" need for funding to ward off a financial crisis stoked by growing debt to China. The column, written by James Dorsey on Mid East Soccer blog

Washington, Oct 9: President Donald Trump prepared a triumphant swearing-in ceremony for his new conservative Supreme Court justice Monday and called sexual assault allegations against Brett Kavanaugh a "hoax." Following arguably the biggest - and hardest-fought - victory of his controversy-strewn presidency, Trump was crowing. Kavanaugh's Saturday confirmation in one of the closest such Senate

Ankara, Oct 9: After Jamal Khashoggi went missing in Saudi consulate, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Monday challenged Saudi Arabia to proof that a missing journalist has left its consulate in Istanbul. "Consulate officials cannot save themselves by saying that he left the building," Mr Erdogan told a news conference on Monday. "If he left, you have to prove it with footage", he added

Beijing, Oct 9: China will sell 48 high-end military drones to its "all-weather ally" Pakistan in what a military observer said will be the largest deal of its kind between the two countries, official media in Beijing reported today. The cost of the deal was not revealed. Wing Loong II, a high-end reconnaissance, strike and multi-role endurance unmanned aircraft system, is manufactured by Chengdu

Stockholm, Oct 8: The 2018 Nobel season, marked by the lack of a literature award for the first time in 70 years, winds up Monday with the economics prize which experts say could go to research on the climate or development. The Nobel economics prize was created by the Swedish central bank "in memory of Alfred Nobel" and first awarded in 1969, unlike the other prizes which were created in his last

Jakarta, Oct 7: When up to six-metre (20-foot) tsunami waves crashed into the Indonesian city of Palu last month, Didiek Wahyudi Kurniawan's house near the beach was quickly engulfed with water, leaving his wife and two daughters barely any time to escape. "I know there is supposed to be a tsunami warning alarm, but maybe it was outdated? I have no idea. We never get any warning from it," said

Oslo, Oct 5: Denis Mukwege, a gynaecologist treating victims of sexual violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Nadia Murad, a Yazidi human rights activist and survivor of sexual slavery by Islamic State in Iraq, won the 2018 Nobel Peace Prize on Friday. The Norwegian Nobel Committee said it had awarded them the prize for their efforts to end the use of sexual violence as a weapon of war

Islamabad, Oct 5: Pakistan's federal cabinet on Thursday gave its approval to Saudi Arabiafor establishing an oil refinery in the port city of Gwadar. "The cabinet has approved the draft of memorandum of understanding (MoU) Pakistan and Saudi Arabiaexpected to sign soon for the establishment of refinery," The Express Tribune quoted Petroleum Minister Ghulam Sarwar Khan as saying while addressing a

Washington, Oct 5: The US has rejected Pakistan's plea to facilitate talks with India and pressed for the bilateral engagement between the two South Asian neighbours, foreign minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi has said. Pakistan wants the US to facilitate talks with India as the two nations are not engaging bilaterally, the top Pakistani diplomat told a Washington audience Wednesday. "When we asked the

Washington, Oct 4: Days after signing a new legislation to speed up the development of advanced reactors, President Donald Trump has roped in a top Indian American nuclear expert for a key administrative position in the department of energy. Trump has nominated Rita Baranwal to be an assistant secretary of energy (nuclear energy) at the Department of Energy, the White House said in a statement