
Rio de Janeiro, Jun 23: Hundreds of women marched in Rio de Janeiro to demand the legalization of abortion in Brazil. The march followed a breakthrough for abortion supporters in neighbouring Argentina, where the lower house of congress approved a bill this month that would legalise elective abortion in the first 14 weeks of pregnancy. Carrying banners reading "rich (women) abort but the poor die"

Washington, Jun 23: US President Donald Trump on Friday cited "an unusual and extraordinary threat" from North Korea's nuclear arsenal to extend sanctions on Kim Jong Un's regime, despite touting the success of a historic summit earlier this month. After flying back to Washington last week, boasting of success, the US leader tweeted: "There is no longer a Nuclear Threat from North Korea." "Sleep

Geneva, Jun 22: The UN on Friday acknowledged Washington's decision to stop separating migrant families at the US-Mexico border but insisted that detaining children with their parents was not the solution. "Children should never be detained for reasons related to their or their parents' migration status," UN rights office spokeswoman Ravina Shamdasani told reporters in Geneva. "It is never in the

Havana, Jun 22: President Ram Nath Kovind has paid tribute to Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro in Santiago de Cuba, describing the late leader as a great friend of India who lent strength to the voice of developing countries in the international arena. President Kovind arrived here yesterday on the last leg of his three-nation tour to Greece, Suriname and Cuba. Kovind along with his wife

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern gave birth to a baby girl on Thursday, the first world leader in nearly 30 years to have a child while in office. In a post on her official Instagram account, Ardern said the baby arrived at 4.45 pm local time, weight 3.31 kilogram (7.3 pounds). Admitted to the hospital earlier in the day, Ardern’s expected due date had been June 17. The 37-year-old has

Yangon, Jun 21: "Hate narratives" from abroad have driven communities in Myanmar further apart, the Southeast Asian nation's leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, said in a social media statement on Thursday. Patience and time are required to restore trust between the communities, Suu Kyi told Christine Schraner Burgener, the United Nations special envoy on Myanmar on Wednesday, according to the statement on

United Nations, Jun 21: Yoga is "very apt" for the UN and in today's complex world where stress and delusion are prevalent, the ancient Indian physical and mental practice plays a central role for wellness and peace of the mind and body, UN Deputy Secretary-General has said. UN ambassadors, diplomats, spiritual leaders, members of civil society and children participated in a flagship Yoga Day

Washington, Jun 20: The US withdrew today from the UN Human Rights Council and condemned its "shameless hypocrisy" in absolving wrongdoers through silence and falsely condemning those committing no offence, saying America will not take lectures from hypocritical institutions. The decision to pull the US out of the UN Human Rights Council was announced by US ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley who

Washington, Jun 20: A group of 52 Indians, mostly Sikhs, has been held at a detention centre in the US State of Oregon for being part of a large contingent of illegal immigrants seeking asylum, an American lawmaker has said. The Indians form the largest group of detainees in the total 123 illegal immigrants being held at a facility in Sheridan. The detention centre was recently visited by a group

Geneva, June 19: According to the Global Trends report, UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency said the number of forcibly displaced people was increased to 68.5 million by the end of 2017. The number of forcibly displaced people rose by almost three million. Among them were 16.2 million people who became displaced during 2017 alone, which is equivalent to 44,500 people being displaced each day, or a person